I was fortunate enough to have been an ARC reader for C.A. Farran's debut dark fantasy novel, SONGS OF THE WICKED. I agreed to provide a review that was unbiased and honest, and here it is:
Right off the bat, Farran provides the reader with a longing to be mortal, to escape the numbness of the Otherworld. To once again feel the simple joys—and even sorrows—of mortal life. For Lark, the main character, a Reaper, can feel none of them.
In this retelling of The Little Mermaid, Farran has created a new universe of gods, with unique laws of physics, and a design of the afterlife…one that is so palpable and realistic that the reader doesn’t doubt its truth for a moment. Her world building so solid, so convincing, that within a few pages, one begins to wonder whether we all face Reapers when we die…and can only hope that we do.
Farran’s writing is very much alive; compelling the reader as much as it compels its characters. Each character is thoughtfully crafted with motives and backstories. And Lark…Lark is a mystery the reader is desperate to solve.
Not only is SONGS OF THE WICKED such a thrilling ride of a story, but the book itself is gorgeous. The cover and interior pages are beautifully designed; as aesthetically pleasing as the prose itself.
Truly, the book IS gorgeous. The cover alone is so very beautiful, and usually that's enough, but on the inside, too, there are ornamental designs between chapters, you can't help but fall in love with the detail put into it. You can view the book's Goodreads here! It's only been out for a few weeks and already it's racking up a significant score! (You go, Farran!)
As it happens, C.A. Farran is also a co-author of the upcoming dark-fantasy anthology, Forbidden Delights. And her story in that anthology, 'Aftertaste', is one of my favorites! I find myself reading one of her drafts for leisure (I did that just today, actually, while waiting to pick my daughter up from school!). This author is certainly one to keep on your radar as she's truly talented.
If you do decide to give this book a read, be sure to leave a review for the new author! It's as I always say, reviews make the book world go 'round. And thank you!