In one week, A Song Beyond Walls will be available to digital retailers in its e-book form. But if you have the Kindle app (it's free!) you can pre-order it now and have it specially delivered to you the moment it releases (OCTOBER 27th). I don't have links to the other platforms as of yet, but I will supply them as soon as I have them!
For those still waiting for the hardcover release date (which is most of you), I'm sad to say that I still don't have it...even though much progress has been made toward it. To recap: I had ordered my proof copy a few weeks ago, suspicious that it might have part of the cover cut-off; When I finally received it, my suspicions were proven to be true. So my lovely cover artist tweaked the design, I re-uploaded the file, waited (not-so) patiently for it to be approved by the distributor, and now I have to wait (not-so-patiently) for it to print and ship to my doorstep. And by the mercy of the book gods, I am hoping it will be faultless. If it is, indeed, faultless, I will approve the title for distribution then and there. And if this should all work accordingly, this may be able to be accomplished by Halloween (my original goal date).