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A Cover Tease for "A Song Beyond Walls"

It's time for a tease

I have been so excited to share the first sneak peek of A Song Beyond Walls's cover design 🖤 Of all the many aspects of self publishing to consider, the cover was always the one I was most worried about, as it was just as important to me as the story itself. I consulted many artists and none were able to capture the idea I had in mind; something timeless and lovely, like something you might uncover at an antique shop. Yes, A Song Beyond Walls may be just a tiny novelette, but I have big dreams for it: I wanted something that had the grandeur of any classical novel. And there was no better artist I could think of for the job than the very much beloved writer/artist hybrid Daniela Coronado, AKA 'Writing Gibson Girl'. She blew me away with her design, and I know you will be, too. So stay tuned for the full reveal coming soon!

Here's just a smoky, sneaky sneak-peek. Don't you get Harry Potter WB vibes? Because I do and I LOVE it.


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