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A Spooky Snippet

It's officially October, which means spooky season is upon us (though to some of us, it never leaves). I have been working to the bone to bring A Song Beyond Walls to publication this month, and I'm crossing my every extremity that I will be successful in my endeavors. As the book revolves around Halloween, there really is no better time to release than these next few weeks. But for the sake of my mental health, I have decided to give myself a bit of grace if things do not work out exactly as I've hoped.

I have the e-book ready for publication; I have the interior of my hardcover ready to go. Now, all I'm waiting on is for the cover to be acceptable when my proof copy arrives in the mail (whenever that may be...I've even paid for faster shipping, but who knows how fast it will actually be). I have a horrible suspicion that part of my name on the spine might be cut off. If it is, that may mean another few weeks of waiting, which I really do not have!

All I can really do right now---other than wait---is to work on my website and share teasing snippets about the story. Here is one now, a particularly spooky one for the dawning of the season (all right, it isn't that spooky, but it's as eerie as you can get while still building romance). Enjoy, and prepare for more!


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