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Thank You, Readers!

(it's a slideshow! click through to see the gorgeous photos readers have shared!)

Thank you to everyone who has read and shared a photo of my Gothic romance, A Song Beyond Walls! It’s crazy to me that at this time, a year ago, I was struggling to navigate the self-publishing process. So now, when I see someone post a photo of their copy, I have a euphoric moment where I get to realize “oh yeah…I did it! That’s my book!” Sometimes it feels like a dream. I am so focused now on my new projects, and constantly overwhelming myself with a sense of urgency to ‘succeed, succeed’, that it is a lovely reminder to see my journey so far, and acknowledge that success is in not found in the destination but in the things we learn along the way. And I have learned so much! Thank you to my readers for following along in the ride. It continues to be full of ups and downs, hastes and halts. I will share more about it soon! -s

And as always, I look forward to seeing you on Goodreads! Join me there to share in TBR lists and reviews!

(the photos above were taken from my beloved readers' posts on Instagram)


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