Better late than never, right?
For the past few months, I have been losing sleep over the print version of "A Song Beyond Walls" not being published alongside its e-book form. Without going into full-on rant-mode, I will say it was HELL working with 'certain' print-on-demand companies because everything they were sending me through the mail was laughable. (Crooked covers, uneven colors...even bent pages!) That is, until I finally caved in and decided on going with a paperback version with Amazon, and surprisingly, the experience has (so far) been excellent!
The very first paperback I was sent from Amazon was 10x better than what I had been receiving from the ~other~ company. Though there are some flaws I cannot 'unsee', I feel it's important to not obsess more than I need to. At this rate, I'll be perfecting it for years and the hype I worked so hard to create for this book will sizzle and cool before it's ever received into readers' hands. I am so fortunate to have an eager audience...I have kept them waiting far too long already!
I had intended to release the paperback this Friday the 4th, but somehow things went a bit quicker than I'd anticipated, and IT'S ACTUALLY PUBLISHED AND READY TO GO RIGHT NOW!
So here we go. At last. The link to the paperback version of 'A Song Beyond Walls'
(here's just a teensy reminder that, if you do end up reading ASBW, please leave me a review via Amazon or Goodreads! THANK YOU!!!)